Posted on Φεβρουαρίου 22, 2016 by kosmaser

You must remember.
Are you being tired all the time, or getting sick constantly,
Well that is your body letting you know that you are not getting enough quality sleep.
It doesn’t matter.

if you exercise or eat healthy foods if you are not getting enough sleep, your health is endangered. According to a recent study, daytime naps are very helpful in improvingthe overall function of the brain.The study also discovered that daytime naps help in converting the short-term memories into long-term ones, by deleting the temporary information from the storage part of the brain, freeing room for new information.

Amazing Health Benefits of Daytime Naps Daytime napping, helps you lose weightLack of sleep affects your hormones -ghrelin and leptin. These hormones are also known as the hunger hormones because they are responsible for your appetite, and when they are not functioning properly you eat more. Daytime napping, helps you keep these hormones in balance.Daytime napping improves memory

Daytime napping boosts your physical and mental activity. If you exercise a lot, napping will lead you to better athletic performance and help you recover better. Researchers stated that the ideal time for a nap should be between 20 to 40 minutes, which is the time before you enter into deep sleep.

PS.Magnesium can help you in relaxing the muscles and calming the nerves, which is very helpful if you want to get a good sleep.
σ.σ. Η Ανεττα Στεφανοπουλου..στη μαριονετα, με το¨διαμαντι¨του Τσιτσανη,την αχαριστη.
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